Emergency Aid Ukraine

Dear all,

Rietveld Foundation is also available for emergency aid. This can range from projects close to home als well as further afield.

Situation Ukraine

At the moment, Rietveld Foundation is committed to the people effected by the war in and around the Ukraine. There has already been a transport of necessary goods to Moldova and refugees have been brought back from Romania to the Netherlands. This was done in collaboration with the Salvation Army and Christians for Israel. We have experienced the stories first hand and we feel the need to provide extra help.

We are in contact with churches in Moldova and Romania that help refugees with a place to stay, food, paperwork and registration to help them on their way. A lot of people are hopeful the war won’t last too long and that they will soon be able to return to their own home and family. We recently heard that about 5000 people per hour cross the Ukraine border from Moldova and also to Romania. With a handful of belongings, a few relatives or friends and somethimes some pets, the people left their country. Not knowing what the future will bring.

Here are some images from our visit to Romania:



We have decided in consultation with Nicu (pastor of the Stop Church in the village of Suceava – Northern Romania) that we will support them with food for the next four weeks. Every week they can feed about 150 people for 2000 euros. We donated the first week ourselves and we would love it if you could participate too.

Let’s keep up the faith of these people together and give them love, support and strength to survive this situation. You can donate via the account below and we will ensure that it ends up directly with the right people.

Participate and donate your contribution:
Rietveld Foundation
P.G. Rietveld
NL84RABO 0323 3607 50
Stating Ukraine

Feel free to share our mission with your own network, friends and acquaintances!

Thank you very much.

E: info@rietveld.nl

T: +31 (0) 184 65 29 10